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Silent Retreat facilitated by John Ensign, PHD & Colleen Gregg, MA & Joan Stockbridge, MA
May 7th -11th, 2025
Begins May 7th;
Check-in 3:00 to 6:00pm;
Dinner at 6:00pm;
Ends May 11th (after 10:30am brunch)
Opening to the Sacred Story
This silent retreat will focus on using the imagination to open to sacred story, both scripture narratives and the unfolding sacred story of our lives.
Various methods of connecting with the Holy will be employed, including Ignatian spirituality, journaling, soul collage, and using Enneagram as a tool to help integrate life-giving shifts from long-held patterns and defenses. There will be time for individual and group reflection, as well as opportunities for spiritual direction.
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